Tuesday 29 March 2011

Completed Second Puppet

This is my final puppet with a revised version of the head. I became inspired to change the look of it as well as the size after researching salamanders, frogs and other amphibians as the layout of their head (wide set beaded eyes and wide mouth) transfers well onto a toy or model that is designed to be appealing. It is touched upon in "Manwatching" by Desmond Morris that humans are attracted to dilated pupils (signals of attraction) and wide set eyes in females is particularly appealing to males. I have also noticed that many poluar animated and cartoon characters (such as "Toothless" from "How To Train Your Dragon"- based off a salamander) have this same head shape and follow these same codes of attraction.

The new head was made with polymer clay and sanded down to achieve an even finish. All details were hand sculpted before attachment to the body.

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